Thursday, March 26, 2009

Don't launch that at me bro!

North Korea may be getting trigger happy. Satellite imagery indicates that the North Koreans have loaded a missile on a launch pad and may be ready to launch the missile between April 4-8th. The N. Koreans indicate that the missile is simply a communications satellite. A spokesperson for the Korean People's Army General Staff Department said on 9 March: "Shooting down our satellite, which is for peaceful purposes, will precisely mean a war." He added that Pyongyang would launch "without hesitation a just retaliatory strike operation" if its missile or space launch vehicle (SLV) is targeted.

The declaration followed three weeks of escalating rhetoric over North Korea's forthcoming launch of the Kwangmyongsong 2 satellite aboard an Unha 2 SLV. Jane's revealed in February that preparations for the launch of an SLV or a ballistic missile from the Musudan-ni facility were well advanced.

On 24 February, Pyongyang's Space Technology Committee said it was preparing to launch a communications satellite, the Kwangmyongsong 2, and not a Taepodong 2 ballistic missile, as had been feared.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Wednesday warned North Korea that firing a missile for any purpose would be a "provocative act" that would have consequences.

Clinton told reporters during a visit to Mexico City that the U.S. believes the North Korean plan to fire a missile for any purpose would violate a U.N. Security Council resolution barring the country from ballistic activity. She linked a missile launch to the future of talks between the U.S., North Korea and four other nations aimed at ending North Korea's nuclear weapons program.

"We have made it very clear that the North Koreans pursue this pathway at a cost and with consequences to the six-party talks, which we would like to see revived," Clinton said. "We intend to raise this violation of the Security Council resolution, if it goes forward, in the U.N.," she said. "This provocative action in violation of the U.N. mandate will not go unnoticed and there will be consequences."

National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair said earlier this month that all indications suggest North Korea will in fact launch a satellite. However, North Korea faked a satellite launch in 1998 to cloak a missile development test.

In 2006, North Korea launched a Taepodong-2 that blew up less than a minute into flight.

Recent decisions by the Penagton to deploy the two US Navy destroyers - USS McCain and USS Chafee - from the Port of Saesbo in Southwestern Japan indicate that the Pentagon intends to shoot down the missile after it is launched.

This should be an interesting show.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Devalued Government

Leave it to the Brits. I haven't felt all this warm and fuzzy since I saw Rick Santelli call for a tea party right there in the Chicago Exchange. English MEP Daniel Hannan has had enough and called it like he saw it. I wish there was someone in Washington D.C. with enough balls to say this to Obama. Or Obama's teleprompter, which is likely the real brains of Obama's administration. 

We need to stand up and stop this. We can't continue to allow our non-representative representatives to bankrupt our future and our country. I call upon our legislators to forfeit their salaries and impose term limits upon themselves. The legislators are no longer in touch with the struggles of the everyday man. 

In Federalist No. 57, James Madison said about the House of Representatives: "The house of representatives....can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society. This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rules and the people together. It creates between them that communion of interest, and sympathy of sentiments, of which few governments have furnished examples; but without which every government degenerates into tyranny." 

I submit to you, dear reader, that the connection between the house of representatives and the great mass of society no longer exists. Further, I suggest that the connection has been lost between the Senate and the great mass of American society as well. 

There are many reasons for this loss of connection. The first, I fear, is the result of a slow onset suicidal tendency found within this great Republic of ours. We have not emphasized the values and the principles that made this country what it was. We the people have a great deal to own up for. Some where, Common Sense was prohibited. This is our first problem. The second is like it. 

Many people have had things given to them. They have not worked or toiled for them. They simply received them. Therefore, they have no incentive for participation within the government or for participation as an actively engaged citizen. 

I find fault within myself on this second point. I slacked off during the Bush years. Although I did consider him to be a bumbling idiot, I was not keeping a proper eye on the actions of my government as any good Patriot should have done. After all, it is only the citizen that keeps the government in check....the media doesn't do it. 

I think I've digressed. 

Our non-representatives need to hear from us. Obama needs to hear from us too. During his address last night, the only legitmate question recieved  a smackdown from the Teleprompter in Chief. I'm sorry, but Ebony doesn't need to be the East Room of the White House for a press conference. 

As always, I invite comments. Let's do this together. 

An Open Letter to Liberty Tax Service

There is a "Liberty Tax Service" on the corner of Main and Beebe Capps in Searcy. They are a nationwide chain. 

Dear Liberty Tax Service: 
I've been silent long enough. Last year when you moved into the old Cintas building, I thought it was just a temporary tax season move and you'd be gone soon enough. I was wrong: you stayed. You've made it to your second tax season in that high visibility location on the corner of Main and Bebee Capps. I just have one request: quit treating tax time like it's The Fourth of July. Americans don't like their patriotic symbols to be associated with taxes. The two seem mutually exclusive to me these days. Therefore, take the dancing retards out of their Uncle Sam & Lady Liberty Costume...and send the retards back to the asylum. Remove the eight American flags from the front of your building.  And kindly remove the word "Liberty" from your company name. Taxes do not equate to Liberty. Taxes, especially excessive ones, equate to tyranny. 

Thank You, 
An Angry American Redneck. 

Angry late night rant

In his second prime time address to the nation, Pseudo President Obama said, well, nothing. That's generally the case. It was notable that the teleprompter had been replaced by a giant LCD screen. I wonder if the teleprompter suffered any PTSD from being replaced for such a notable non-event. 

With each passing day, my blood pressure continues to increase and Obama and Congress continue to piss me off. I was annoyed when Clinton was president. I can handle a hounddog. I can even handle the incompetence of GWB. I can't handle Obama. I just can't do it. The man is killing my country.

He has yet to own up for the fact that he is utterly and truly incompetent. When will he own that he is as scared as a dog with it's tail between the legs? He had no idea what he's doing and we all know it. Obama is indeed the anti-Reagan. 

But it's deeper than that. Much Deeper. 

Obama wants to fulfill every one's dreams. Sorry bro, but your gonna have to tell your brethren that if they want something, they have to get off their ass and get a damn job. I'm not paying for them to be lazy. Unless, of course, you want to return to slavery. After all, the ability to work and be productive is the key to freedom. You don't seem to see it that way. You want to take over large corporations and cap the pay of CEOs and executives. Nope, dude. You don't have that power and you want get it over my dead, make that your dead body. I'm still waiting for Bubba to do the deed. I know you will only be a one term president. You can't get re-elected. American won't last that long. 

I'm sick and tired and I'm not gonna take it anymore. Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Frank, Bernake and Geithner: this is your warning: the Missouri Militia is gonna come after you! 

Friday, March 20, 2009

Introducing the Second American Revolution

I've decided to branch out and create another blog. This blog will be the source of my political rantings and ravings over the coming years. I can assure you there will be lots of them. 

In the meantime, I want you to watch this video: We The People Stimulus Package 

Remember, send a Tea Bag to your Congressional Representatives...only because a hot, steaming pile of crap isn't a possibility.