Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Devalued Government

Leave it to the Brits. I haven't felt all this warm and fuzzy since I saw Rick Santelli call for a tea party right there in the Chicago Exchange. English MEP Daniel Hannan has had enough and called it like he saw it. I wish there was someone in Washington D.C. with enough balls to say this to Obama. Or Obama's teleprompter, which is likely the real brains of Obama's administration. 

We need to stand up and stop this. We can't continue to allow our non-representative representatives to bankrupt our future and our country. I call upon our legislators to forfeit their salaries and impose term limits upon themselves. The legislators are no longer in touch with the struggles of the everyday man. 

In Federalist No. 57, James Madison said about the House of Representatives: "The house of representatives....can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society. This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rules and the people together. It creates between them that communion of interest, and sympathy of sentiments, of which few governments have furnished examples; but without which every government degenerates into tyranny." 

I submit to you, dear reader, that the connection between the house of representatives and the great mass of society no longer exists. Further, I suggest that the connection has been lost between the Senate and the great mass of American society as well. 

There are many reasons for this loss of connection. The first, I fear, is the result of a slow onset suicidal tendency found within this great Republic of ours. We have not emphasized the values and the principles that made this country what it was. We the people have a great deal to own up for. Some where, Common Sense was prohibited. This is our first problem. The second is like it. 

Many people have had things given to them. They have not worked or toiled for them. They simply received them. Therefore, they have no incentive for participation within the government or for participation as an actively engaged citizen. 

I find fault within myself on this second point. I slacked off during the Bush years. Although I did consider him to be a bumbling idiot, I was not keeping a proper eye on the actions of my government as any good Patriot should have done. After all, it is only the citizen that keeps the government in check....the media doesn't do it. 

I think I've digressed. 

Our non-representatives need to hear from us. Obama needs to hear from us too. During his address last night, the only legitmate question recieved  a smackdown from the Teleprompter in Chief. I'm sorry, but Ebony doesn't need to be the East Room of the White House for a press conference. 

As always, I invite comments. Let's do this together. 

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