Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Angry late night rant

In his second prime time address to the nation, Pseudo President Obama said, well, nothing. That's generally the case. It was notable that the teleprompter had been replaced by a giant LCD screen. I wonder if the teleprompter suffered any PTSD from being replaced for such a notable non-event. 

With each passing day, my blood pressure continues to increase and Obama and Congress continue to piss me off. I was annoyed when Clinton was president. I can handle a hounddog. I can even handle the incompetence of GWB. I can't handle Obama. I just can't do it. The man is killing my country.

He has yet to own up for the fact that he is utterly and truly incompetent. When will he own that he is as scared as a dog with it's tail between the legs? He had no idea what he's doing and we all know it. Obama is indeed the anti-Reagan. 

But it's deeper than that. Much Deeper. 

Obama wants to fulfill every one's dreams. Sorry bro, but your gonna have to tell your brethren that if they want something, they have to get off their ass and get a damn job. I'm not paying for them to be lazy. Unless, of course, you want to return to slavery. After all, the ability to work and be productive is the key to freedom. You don't seem to see it that way. You want to take over large corporations and cap the pay of CEOs and executives. Nope, dude. You don't have that power and you want get it over my dead, make that your dead body. I'm still waiting for Bubba to do the deed. I know you will only be a one term president. You can't get re-elected. American won't last that long. 

I'm sick and tired and I'm not gonna take it anymore. Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Frank, Bernake and Geithner: this is your warning: the Missouri Militia is gonna come after you! 

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